
Showing posts from June, 2016

Word of the day AGHAST

AGHAST     Meaning: Filled with horror or shock. Synonyms: shocked, stunned, agog, afraid, agape, alarmed. Antonyms: Unsurprised. Usage: 1) Helga appeared aghast , then torn. 2) The house of representatives, at first aghast , presently voted four millions as beginning. 3) And ever, as the white moon shows her affrighted face from the steep gullies in the blackness overhead, aghast Jack sees the rearing bowsprit pointing high upward, but soon beat downward again towards the tormented deep.

word of the day ZEAL

ZEAL   Meaning: Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective. Synonyms: Devotedness, enthusiasm, eagerness, keenness. Antonyms: Apathy, inactivity, lethargy. Usage: 1) His zeal and energy met everywhere with conspicious success. 2) His zeal was not confined to his diocese. 3) A great and widespread revival market the opining years of the century, resulting in marvelous increase of zeal and numbers.

Word of the day MOOT

MOOT       Meaning:   subject to debate, dispute or uncertainity. Synonyms: Debatable, arguable, questionable. Antonym: definite, absolute. Usage: 1)   Since the judge has decided the child will live with her   mother, the custody argument between the parents is moot . 2)   Because   your   facts come from an unverified   source, your research paper is moot . 3)   Given that the prisoner has already been sentenced to death, adding an extra thirty-year sentence is moot .

Word of the day AURA

AURA   Meaning: The distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person. Synonyms: Air, ambiance, atmosphere. Usage: 1) The angel's aura made me feel calm and hopeful. 2) Under spotlight, the star's aura seemed even more alluring. 3) Because Javed has an aura of negativity surrounding him, he does not have a lot of friends. 4) As I stepped inside the temple, I was embraced by a peaceful   aura that made my mental burdens disappear.

Word of the day VINTAGE

VINTAGE    Meaning: Denoting something from the past of high quality.    Synonyms: Antique, old, classic. Antonyms: New, modern . Usage: 1) He is a car enthusiast and has over 20 vintage automobiles in his collection. 2) I am a long time eBay seller and love all things vintage and retro. 3) My grandfather owned a succession of expensive vintage cars, including a old beautiful Jaguar.