Microscopy, optical and electron microscope with ray diagram

The closest distance of separation (i.e. resolution) visible to the human naked eyes is 0.1 mm. Inside details of solids, crystals, unit cells, atoms, electrons, and imperfection demand for visibility of much smaller dimensions. The smaller dimensions may be as small as 1 Angstrom(10 -10 m) or less. These situations need a magnified vision. This is possible through a microscope. Microscopes of various magnification ratio are used according to the need. Their magnification generally varies between 5 to 1000000. Microscopes are broadly classified into following main categories. 1. Optical microscope 2. Electron microscope 3. Field ion microscope 4. Scanning tunneling microscope Here we have listed some magnification and applications of different types of microscopes Type Range of magnification Used in study of Optical microscope 10 to 2000 times linear Microstructure Electron microstructure 100000 times linear...