Full form of commonly used abbreviations (Short forms) you should know

We are living in a very fast world. Everyone wants to save each moment and optimize time, this optimization is reflected in our talking, texting etc. Sometimes we use slang words in our messaging language, these words may be any abbreviation and it is possible that you or your message receiver may not know full form of these abbreviations. So, here are some abbreviations you should know.

A.M. – Anti Meridiem
AUDI – Auto Union Deutschland Ingolstadt
ATM – Automatic Teller Machine
BMW – Bavarian Motor Works
BYE – Be with You Everything
CAPTCHA – Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
DIY – Do It Yourself
e.g. – exempli gratia (for example)
ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning
i.e. – id est (That is to say)
I.Q. – Intelligence Quotient
ISI – Indian Standards Institute
MBBS – Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
NEWS – North East West South
PDF – Portable Document Format
PhD – Doctor of Philosophy
P.M. – Post Meridiem
PVR – Priya Village Roadshow
QR Code – Quick Response Code
SIM – Subscriber Identity Module
TRP – Television Rating Point

How many of these did you know already?


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